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Private  - You who are more beautiful than lightning

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Played by Offline Briallu [PM] Posts: 21 — Threads: 3
Signos: 1,440
Dusk Court Citizen
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: Dark Matter Manipulation  |    Bonded: Eomer (Eastern Snow Dragon)

''I twist like a sunflower
At the sound of your voice''

She's grown more confident in her steps with Eomer and Cailerian leading her through the lands with the care she had received from both her brother and father. It's because of this that Elain has been able to explore more of the court along with the surrounding areas, though she's been more careful in how far she travels due to the snow. Even if the small albino wanted to travel farther she'd be honest that the idea of tripping in the snow was anything but a pleasant one (especially because God knows where she might trip.)

Standing outside Elain's tail is pulled close to her side while Cailerian presses against her and Eomer wraps himself around her in an attempt to keep the albino warm in the negative temperatures. Are you sure you're warm enough Elain? There's a concern in the snow dragon's question to which she nods with a smile. Yes Eomer, I'm pretty warm. She cranes her neck around to face her companion and gives him a soft nudge before she gives one to Cailerian as well. Elain, as always, takes careful steps but they aren't as stiff as they had been before; they appear a bit more natural (or ''normal'') though she still makes sure to check what's in front of her before she steps down.

There's a feeling of nervousness in her chest that she can't seem to shake no matter how hard she tries; she suspects the feeling is due to from an uncertainty that Reliquary will appear. When Elain had learned about the festival, receiving a letter that had been read to her, there had been a feeling of great excitement in her. The opportunity to experience a celebration in lands so new to her had been part of why the albino had so quickly RSVPed to the event. She had signed herself up for two things: The dance and foal-sitting, though she was honestly a bit unsure on if anyone would leave a foal with a blind kirin. She would also admit that she another part was the idea that she might be able to rope the giant Reliquary into going with her; after-all he had been the person she had ''clicked'' with fastest in Novus. Not to mention she would also feel safer at the festival if she knew someone else was with her to help guide her and keep her from injuring herself (or anyone else.)

She had taken sometime to think over how she would approach the subject or even send him a note to get in contact. Eventually Elain had settled sending Cailerian out to find him with a message asking him to meet her tucked under his collar. The kirin had made sure to get someone to write it out clearly, going so far as to even request them reading it back to her to double check. In all honesty she might have been pulling him out of his comfort zone in her request of where to meet and she knew it. Elain, however, had been careful to add that her reasoning of meeting by the Citadel had purely been because she was cautious of traveling too far in the snow.

So now the albino was carefully walking around in a small section outside in an attempt to keep both her body warm and her companions. She was pretty sure that the theory of moving around kept you warm was true, if not then she was simply benefitting from the warmth of the dear companions she had.


Tags » @Reliquary
Voice » Lily Collins

Mild force & magic permitted within reason
Gather courage like wildflowers


Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 11 — Threads: 2
Signos: 780
Vagabond Citizen
Male [he / him]  |  Immortal [Year 499 Fall]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 18  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

your pleasure is pain

It wasn't what he expected , seeing a dog coming toward him , note tucked under the collar . Not many had any sort of thought to approach him , but he's used to that . Reliquary is far too used to many shying away from him , avoiding him at all costs . Too many skittish glances toward a towering frame , only to avoid eye contact , to pretend that so long as they avoid looking at him , perhaps he won't see them . Reliq has merely grown used to it over the centuries of his living .

But this time , it's different . Though it had taken only a few seconds to actually recognize the canine ; Elain's companion . It explains why the dog is fearless approaching him , and all four ears had twitched backward in curiosity more than anything . Of course , he had taken the note and perused it , curious about what Elain was sending Cailerian with to him . To his shock , he had been invited to the Citadel of Terrastella , something that had made him feel somewhat uncomfortable . As much as he doesn't care what others think of him , he doesn't want to cause a hell of a stir either . It isn't as if he was small or unassuming looking .

But he understood , as well . She doesn't want to travel in the frigid snow , and he could imagine that when she was in the snow , it was more difficult to actually navigate . So he had agreed to himself , and sent the canine back to Elain with a soft " Tell her I'll meet her . " It was spoken with a soft smile , trying not to let his teeth show . He watched Cailerian run off , the snow kicked up in plumes , and Reliq had sighed softly . But that had been earlier in the day .

Now , he stands at the Citadel , ears swiveling and a look of contemplation on his features . Drawing in a deep breath , he dips his head and steps through , into the heart of Terrastella itself . Wings tuck against his sides , large dinner plate hooves brushing through the snow as it grows less and less , before he finally makes it to where he can see the soft ivory and pinks pacing to and fro . Lips twitch , a soft snort leaving his nostrils as his head lifts , the golden glow casting about him . " Elain . " He calls it out softly , letting himself being heard as he steps closer , only to stop , blinking in surprise .

" Is ... that a dragon ? " He questions , stepping in closer toward her before pausing just in her reach .



Played by Offline Briallu [PM] Posts: 21 — Threads: 3
Signos: 1,440
Dusk Court Citizen
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: Dark Matter Manipulation  |    Bonded: Eomer (Eastern Snow Dragon)

''I twist like a sunflower
At the sound of your voice''

Elain tries desperately not to let her nervousness show, stuffing it down with deep breaths and a light hum in her chest while Eomer wraps himself tighter around her. It's as if the dragon is trying to hug her to help calm the erratic beating in her chest.

It's not often that she is lost in her own mind not listening to the world around her but for the moment she is, at least until she catches a familiar voice. At his call Elain turns towards his voice, drawn to the sound like a bird is drawn to the warmth of spring or like the the ocean drawn to the sands. Bold steps are taken into the snowier areas towards the direction Reliquary's voice came from. With the crunching steps an uneasiness shows on her face though she tries to suppress it, she can't feel the ground perfectly and it throws her off more than she'd like to admit. "Reliquary! Thank you for coming." Elain's voice is soft while she reaches out for him, ''looking'' carefully for the familiar giant.

His question makes her smile brightly, as well as leads her closer to him, and she hums in thought for a second. "Yes, I suppose you could say I've started to collect dragons." Ears tip back towards her horns with a sheepish look washing over her face. "His name is Eomer, and he's as equally pleasant as my other dragon." The words are rushed out while the long dragon unwraps himself from her to approach Reliquary with curious eyes. Why is he so tall? And glowing? 

Elain clears her throat nervously, follows Eomer's lead in approaching Reliquary, and bumps her nose against the giant pegasus. "He'd like to know why you're so tall and glowing?" With her ears still tipped back the pale kirin avoids pointing her face towards the other draconic equine, closes her eyes tight, and spits out her question. "There's a spring festival with a dance and I signed up for it and would you like to come with me Reliquary? I understand if not especially because I signed up to offer foal-sitting and I know it may be uncomfortable for you to be in a large festival but I'd very much enjoy if you'd come with me." 


Tags » @Reliquary
Voice » Lily Collins
OOC » Lmao made it a proper rapid fire this time - the struggle was HARD

Mild force & magic permitted within reason
Gather courage like wildflowers


Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 11 — Threads: 2
Signos: 780
Vagabond Citizen
Male [he / him]  |  Immortal [Year 499 Fall]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 18  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

your pleasure is pain

He can tell she's rather uneasy in the snow , which is why he's chosen to move a little closer , out of the drifts here in the Citadel . He himself is uneasy in this area , ears swinging to and fro , wings fidgeting just slightly , as if expecting someone to come upon them . It isn't as if he feared others , but he wanted nothing to do with them . Elain is a very well taken exception .

He focuses on her though , reaching out with his neck until their noses gently touch at last , and he lets out a soft snort once he can . Collecting dragons . The comment makes him turn his head toward his back end , the thick tail lashing behind him and dragging along the ground a moment before he turns back to her with a wry sort of stare . At first , he doesn't say anything , but the chuckle that sits low in his chest is enough , thrumming out of his throat for a moment , past sharp golden teeth .

" Are you the dragon , or am I , if you're collecting ? " He doesn't comment on pleasantness . She hasn't seen how he can be in the least . " I glow because it's what the deities cursed me with . This entire body . Once it was new , but I've grown into it . " He answers Eomer's question , before Elain is spilling out rapidfire words that send his mind reeling . For a moment , he doesn't answer , leaving silence in the presence between them .

Until he leans and noses against the side of her neck , rubbing his muzzle there gently . " If you are asking me , then I will join you there . " He just hopes his comfort level would last . It isn't as if he's a sociable creature anymore .



Played by Offline Briallu [PM] Posts: 21 — Threads: 3
Signos: 1,440
Dusk Court Citizen
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: Dark Matter Manipulation  |    Bonded: Eomer (Eastern Snow Dragon)

''I twist like a sunflower
At the sound of your voice''

Elain is comforted by his touch, grateful that he's come to her, and that Reliquary understands why she's unsure of the snow. Elain knows that she's got a history of clinging to others, to pulling on sleeves so that she can catch-up to the rest of the crowd; but she doesn't feel like she's pulling at Reliquary's sleeve or clinging to him. Instead it feels more like he's holding her hand and hugging her tight, she doesn't feel guilty for leaning on him.

His snort surprises her but his words make a look of confusion pass over her face. "Do I look like a dragon?" It's obvious from her confusion that Elain has very little idea of what she looks like. She know she's covered in scales, has horns, is on the smaller daintier side, and that she's prone to sunburns. But she's never taken much of interest in what she looks like, she's never asked much about her appearance besides the few times she'd inquired into which father she takes after. Elain pushes the thought of what she looks like away and shyly noses Reliquary. "You're the dragon." Her ears twitch slightly when he answers Eomer's question, the white dragon seems to accept the answer and doesn't push any further. Wake me when you need me Elle. The dragon doesn't leave completely but he does float a little bit away to a sunbeam, lays down on the ground, and clutches his lantern like a dragon clutches gold. 

Elain hums softly when she returns Reliquary's touch, gently rubbing his cheek with closed eyes. At the agreement to go to the festival with her the albino feels an excitement rush through her veins, eyes snapping open, and her joy obvious when she pulls away to ''look'' at him. "Oh thank you Reliquary, we can stay in the less crowded places if you'd like, so that you're comfortable and I don't trip! I'm grateful you'll be joining me, I wouldn't want anyone else to come with me." Elain returns her nose to his cheek, gently pressing against it.


Tags » @Reliquary
Voice » Lily Collins
OOC » <3

Mild force & magic permitted within reason
Gather courage like wildflowers


Played by Offline Kaiju [PM] Posts: 11 — Threads: 2
Signos: 780
Vagabond Citizen
Male [he / him]  |  Immortal [Year 499 Fall]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 18  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

your pleasure is pain

" A little bit like a dragon , yes . Scales , horns . But you make a very beautiful dragon . " His lips twitch into a smile at his own words , his nose pressing into her neck gently as he speaks . " But you're strong like one too . "

She reminded him of strong dragons , creatures with wisdom and beauty all wrapped into one .

A soft laugh , barely there , and he flicks all four ears back , nosing into her a little more and letting out a soft breath . Crowds are something he has issues with , but so long as he was at her side , then he could tolerate it . That much he knew .

" I would join you anywhere . " The truth sinks into his words as he speaks softly, and he maneuvers himself , pressing against her side . Even as he does , his tail moves , wrapping around her own . Thick as his is , it weighs them both down , and he just rests his tail down slowly , the thick spikes nowhere near her , avoiding harming her .

" Tell me what this festival will be like ? "



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