an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

- Restricted Item Redemption - Bondeds

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Played by Offline Katherine [PM] Posts: 9 — Threads: 2
Signos: 270
Day Court Youth
Male [He/Him/His]  |  Immortal [Year 506 Spring]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 16  |    Active Magic: Literary Animation & N/A  |    Bonded: Dandelion (Sky Lion)

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Ambrose
Type of Bonded: Sky Lion
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? No
-- If no: Easter Egg Hunt Reward
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes but I will write one!
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Katherine

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Katherine / @Ambrose - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member will be writing their own quest.

[Image: 27092483_OXKc9V3WJVpPTMw.png]
we start with stars in our eyes
we start believing that we belong


Played by Offline ratty [PM] Posts: 9 — Threads: 2
Signos: 1,475
Inactive Character

Redeeming Bonded Pack

Character gaining Bonded: @Rivane
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Pack' item? no
-- If no: claiming new player free restricted item
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? yes
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality?
BEECH: Rattus norvegicus domestica
Male - Standard Coat - Standard Ear - Blue Mask - Black Eyes
Intelligent, quick-witted and bold. The first to investigate anything new. Can be defensive and will take on threats many times his own size.

BARLEY: Rattus norvegicus domestica
Male - Standard Coat - Dumbo Ear - Seal Point Siamese - Ruby Eyes
Not as bold as Beech, but everybody’s best friend. Affectionate and trusting to the point of putting himself at risk. A bit lazy.

BREADNUT: Rattus norvegicus domestica
Male - Rex Coat - Dumbo Ear - Albino - Red Eyes
Nervous but passive, does not care for risks of any sort, last to investigate new items or people if he comes at all. Prefers to hide. Extremely affectionate if you can win him over.

Reference Image

-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? past
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? no preference
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded? no preference

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: @ratty

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ratty / @Rivane - Bonded pack approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded pack.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest for this redemption can be found here! Once @Rivane replies according to the requirements, they can  go to the Experience Updates thread to claim the EXP.


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Warbird - LINK TO CHARACTER ACCOUNT GAINING THE ITEM
Type of Bonded: Fantasy Creature - Jormungandr
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? NO
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? YES

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Sunsides

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@sunsides / @warbird - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has opted out of quest.


Played by Offline Nikkayla [PM] Posts: 9 — Threads: 5
Signos: 0
Inactive Character

Redeeming Extinct Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Entia
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Extinct' item? No
-- If no: Redeeming Free Restricted Item Claim!
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes!

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No thank you.

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Nikkayla

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Nikkayla / @Entia - Extinct Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has opted out of quest.


Played by Offline Karma [PM] Posts: 53 — Threads: 11
Signos: 760
Day Court Warden
Male [He/Him/His]  |  15 [Year 496 Winter]  |  19.2 hh  |  Hth: 8 — Atk: 12 — Exp: 14  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Kerauno (Blue Swallow)

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Galileo
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? No
-- If no: Redeeming item received on joining (a bit late though, sorry!)
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes!

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes - staff written short quest, please!
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? He is a swallow, a fast flyer, and very blue. Simplistic, doesn't really care about a lot of things. Is much more creature-;ike than human-like in his ways - likes food for example. Something draws him to Galileo but they are quite quiet in each others company and just get on with life together. Kerauno is very matter of fact in his ways.
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? n/a
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded? n/a

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Karma

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Karma / @Galileo - Realistic bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***

This quest for this redemption can be found here! Once @Galileo replies according to the requirements, they can  go to the Experience Updates thread to claim the EXP.

[Image: ddjamb1-122f9879-334b-49d3-9bc8-46d9c2fb...TM43jI0AC0]


Played by Offline Scapeh [PM] Posts: 75 — Threads: 6
Signos: 645
Night Court Medic
Male [He/Him/His]  |  12 [Year 499 Winter]  |  18 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 22  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Noor (Irish Elk)

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Gareth
Type of Bonded: Original
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? NO 
-- If no: Claiming for One Free Restricted Item
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? YES

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? NO

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: @Scapeh

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Scapeh / @Gareth - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has opted out of quest.


Played by Offline Frostie [PM] Posts: 10 — Threads: 4
Signos: 475
Inactive Character

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Arah
Type of Bonded: Known Fantasy Creature
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? No
-- If no:Free Restricted Item Claim
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No.
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? -
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? -
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded? -

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Frostie

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Frostie / @Arah - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has opted out of quest.


Played by Offline Emily [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Male [Him/His]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 11  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: Arwen (Hellhound)

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Brendan
Type of Bonded: Fantasy - Hellhound
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? No
-- If no: Free Restricted Item Claim
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Emily

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Emily / @Brendan - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member has opted out of quest.


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Jahin
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? Yes
-- If no: 
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes please
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Mysterious, charming, playful, exuberant, flirtatious, petty
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Anywhere in Solterra
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded? No request other than Jahin encountering Sahar while she is hatching

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Pres

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Pres / @jahin - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records AND Postbit ;) You may begin RP'ing your character with his Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest can be found HERE. Since Jahin has replied, he has been given the EXP for questing.


Played by Offline Syndicate [PM] Posts: 22 — Threads: 6
Signos: 955
Inactive Character

Redeeming Massive Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Ira
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Massive' item? No
-- If no: 2020 Advent Calender
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes, member written! 
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Initially bitter, chaotic, and unpleasant. Later on will become honorable, still chaotic, but curious and more prone to empathy. 
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? N/A
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded? Included in the description of the bonded! I am thinking it would be fun for Ira to have been in the woods for someone and they go recover Hati from where he fell from the sky. 

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Syndicate 

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@syndicate / @Ira - Massive Bonded approved and added to the Records and item sent. You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member will be writing their own quest.


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