an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

- Restricted Item Redemption - Bondeds

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Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
Signos: 1,285
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Luvena
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? no
-- If no: Free restricted item from joining
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? YES 

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? yes
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? He is a feisty little creature, very standoffish to strangers, often hissing at their approach. Though he is too slow to do much, he is fiercely protective us his mother, almost always seen laying on her back, facing her rump, to always be on guard behind her.
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past. This is  abonded lu has had in the past so he knows her. 
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? na
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded? some sort of sweet reuinion

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Lullivy

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Lullivy / @Luvena - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest can be found here


Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 4 — Threads: 3
Signos: 15
Inactive Character

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Ba'al
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? No
-- If no: Redeeming Restricted Item from the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt.
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Lazy, enjoys freedom and a lack of obligation, protective, loves shiny things, a bit of a tricky goober
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Present
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Somewhere in Solterra or Denocte, anywhere is fine.
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded? No preference.

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: @Sparrow

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Sparrow / @Ba'al - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest is in progress, we will let you know when it becomes available!


Played by Offline Katherine [PM] Posts: 5 — Threads: 2
Signos: 0
Inactive Character

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Amunemhet
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? Yes
-- If no: N/A
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes, but I will write something for it! (Need that exp mate)
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? 
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? 
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Katherine

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Katherine / @Amunemhet - Realistic bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Please let staff know when you complete your quest!

[Image: 21688264_2Zx.png]
we're the chosen ones
the children of the sun


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Azrael
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? Yes
-- If no:
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Quiet, reserved, wary of strangers (but not of Azrael), loyal
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Firefly

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@firefly/ @azrael - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with his Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest is in progress, we will let you know when it becomes available!


Played by Offline Nikkayla [PM] Posts: 13 — Threads: 5
Signos: 1,815
Night Court Soldier
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  12 [Year 499 Winter]  |  8 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 12  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Karsi (Polar Bear)

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Ciaran
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? Yes
-- If no: n/a
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes!

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality?
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Nikkayla

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Nikkayla / @Ciaran - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member declined quest.

contact is welcome - please tag in all posts


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Solstice
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? Yes
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes (will write my own)
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Bold, fearless, protective (but as a kitten, playful)
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Will write my own
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Firefly

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Firefly / @solstice - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member will be writing their own quest.


Played by Offline Syndicate [PM] Posts: 175 — Threads: 35
Signos: 125
Inactive Character

Redeeming Massive Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Vercingtorix 
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Massive' item? No
-- If no: Anniversary Raffle!
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? YES OR N

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes please <3 
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Damascus does not mean to be cruel, or destructive, or unkind. But his appetite is insatiable. He feels a piece of himself missing; he cannot feel or emphasise; he cannot understand compassion and kindness. And, so, those things he feels he must destroy. He has love only for Vercingtorix, and that love is borne over a feeling of codependence and belonging. (Also I kind of imagine him like the character in Mice and Men that accidentally squishes the puppies out of cute aggression). 
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Novus!
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded? The dragon finds Vercingtorix and has been looking for him his entire life/maybe the magical "conception" of the dragon! 
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Syndicate

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@syndicate / @Vercingtorix - Massive Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with his Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***

This quest for this redemption can be found here! Once @Vercingtorix replies according to the requirements, they can  go to the Experience Updates thread to claim the EXP.


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Maybird
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? yes
-- If no:
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? yes

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? no
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality?
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: rallidae

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@rallidae / @maybird - Massive Bonded approved with character acceptance and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with her Bonded. User opted out of quest.


Played by Offline Sam [PM] Posts: 84 — Threads: 16
Signos: 525
Inactive Character

Redeeming Realistic Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Elliana
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Realistic' item? YES
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? YES

Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes, but I will write it myself <3
-- If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? 
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to meet your Bonded?

I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.

Signed: Sam

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Sam / @Elliana - Realistic Bonded approved and added to the Records! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member will be writing their own quest.


Played by Offline Jeanne [PM] Posts: 10 — Threads: 4
Signos: 1,200
Inactive Character

Redeeming Fantasy Bonded

Character gaining Bonded: @Diana
Type of Bonded: Horrors
Have you purchased the 'Bonded: Fantasy' item? Yes
-- If no: n/a
Is the Bonded section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes, but I’ll write it myself.
If yes: What is your Bonded's personality? Eccentric, otherworldly, quiet, exceptionally disconcerting, somewhat terrifying and terrible.
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes to staff-written: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes to staff-written: How would you like to meet your Bonded?
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Bondeds. I cannot include the Bonded in my IC posts until staff have formally approved the Bonded. If I am found writing my character with a Bonded other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: @Jeanne

*** STAFF EDIT ***
@Jeanne / @Diana - Fantasy Bonded approved! You may begin RP'ing your character with their Bonded.

*** STAFF EDIT ***
Member will be writing their own quest.

what you love is your fate.

please tag Diana! contact is encouraged, short of violence


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