an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - they keep wandering

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& those dizzy stargazers
who dreamed of the black
kept their heads in the clouds
& they never looked back

She’d gotten lost.
Let’s face it, this really should be the least surprising thing you’ve come across today, apart from gravity still functioning and the moon still orbiting the earth. As effortless as breathing, our little bluejay wanders and becomes distracted, and suddenly finds herself well off the beaten trail of wherever she’d been and somewhere entirely new. It was how she’d gotten to Novus in the first place, how she’d found the Dusk Court, how she always did everything. Generally, she just rolled with it, shrugged a bit and moved on to the next Great AdventureTM. She didn’t really worry too much about what she’d left behind or where she was supposed to be, because she was a firm believer in things happening as they should and living in the moment. Or something like that. You know, its really just possible that her attention span is so short that she just doesn’t notice.
Moving on.
It had been a productive summer. She’d wandered quite a bit, met a few interesting folks along the way. She’d tried her best to become friends with a buffalo, but it had other ideas (mostly eating, and fertilizing the fields) and she’d been forced to carry on elsewhere. Eventually, she’d made it back to the Dusk realm, and decided she should find the castle that her and Maude had talked about and get herself properly introduced to whoever she was supposed to introduce herself to.
It was a cool autumn day, the sun shining through the partly clouded sky and giving a bit of warmth to the crisp air. Leaves crunched beneath her as she landed – gracefully, for a change – and she took a few moments to step on a few extra dried ones, grinning to herself and delighting in the noise they made. Satisfied with her sped-up leaf deterioration, she finally took in the castle before her.
It wasn’t the first time she’d come across such a structure, but the ones she was used to were generally more… crumbly. Broken ruins and stone over taken by vines and flora – those were the castles she was familiar with. It was interesting to see this one still clearly in use.
The little bird folded her wings against her back as her bright amber eyes swept the building. Slowly, she walked toward the entrance, eyes gazing upwards at everything above her, most certainly not looking where she was going…

open!! any welcome!

Messages In This Thread
they keep wandering - by Cress - 11-17-2017, 10:41 PM
RE: they keep wandering - by Florentine - 11-24-2017, 01:30 PM
RE: they keep wandering - by Octavian - 11-29-2017, 03:00 PM
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