an equine & cervidae rpg
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All Welcome  - among the roses

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Played by Offline lackadaisy [PM] Posts: 105 — Threads: 19
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the road less traveled

"Willoughby" she replies easily, noting Eirene's name mentally. Happy that the mare wasn't upset, the aspiring bard flashes her a winning smile "it is entirely my pleasure to meet you." Pale blues glanced by her to see the herbs she had found so fascinating.  True, if she was not musically gifted she might have gone into a medical career.

So she found flowers and herbs nothing but pretty, sadly. Music was her first love, her only true love. "Do you know what herbs they are? What they are called?" she asks despite having only a passing curiosity. It was just as important to make conversation than fake it, and she was not faking her interest.

@Eirene / speaks


Messages In This Thread
among the roses - by Eirene - 12-25-2020, 08:40 PM
RE: ( coronation ) among the roses - by Willoughby - 12-29-2020, 01:51 PM
RE: among the roses - by Eirene - 12-28-2020, 10:41 PM
RE: among the roses - by Eirene - 01-10-2021, 04:02 AM
RE: among the roses - by Willoughby - 01-10-2021, 12:10 PM
RE: among the roses - by Eirene - 02-17-2021, 06:13 PM
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