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All Welcome  - Morning breaks like splatter paint [Relic Hunt]

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Played by Offline Dingo [PM] Posts: 34 — Threads: 6
Signos: 530
Inactive Character

live my life without coming up for air

Focusing on the location where the sound had come from, Regis’ body stood rigid as it braced for the unexpected, prepared to either turn and run or spread his inexperienced wings and try to maneuver his way out of the forest. His lungs filled to capacity when he spotted the emerging form, only to be exhaled in the form of a gargantuan sigh of relief to see that it wasn’t the monster his mind had adamantly painted and insisted was there.

It was strange to be referred to as ‘little one’ when he had grown so accustomed to the use of either his name or title, but when formality seemed to hold so little meaning outside of his own home, Regis couldn’t bring himself to feel offended. It was unlikely that he ever could. “My name is Regis,” he answered, the tension in his shoulders only beginning to wane once the words rolled off his tongue. The mare was obviously older than himself and the deep color of her eyes expressed concern for him, nothing like the beast he’d initially assumed she was. “Sorry, I… I thought you might have been something else.” He opened his mouth to speak more, to explain himself and his fear, but was abruptly cut off by the sound of another voice that caused him to jerk, startled.

Again, it was no monster that came thundering out of the foliage but an equine, and the rapid pounding of his heart against his chest had Regis wondering if his own kind would be the death of him before he could find his friends and family again. Why did he have to be so scared? So unused to being alone, such a coward?

Swallowing past the self-depreciating thoughts, Regis straightened a little where he stood and folded his wings smoothly against his sides. His focus fell to the painted woman who was, for lack of a better term, a bit more stoic than the other and pushed a smile to his face as he replied. “I suppose I am,” he answered honestly, “But… it wasn’t my intention to get separated from the others. We’ve been looking for the relic, and one moment I was with them, and when I looked up the next… I was here.” A frown marred his young features as he looked between the two mares, black-rimmed ears tilting backward thoughtfully, speaking curiously. “Is that why the two of you are on the island?”


@Uzuri @Morrighan


all contact and force is allowed at any time, sans godmodding and powerplay

Messages In This Thread
RE: Morning breaks like splatter paint [Relic Hunt] - by Morrighan - 07-01-2019, 09:49 PM
RE: Morning breaks like splatter paint [Relic Hunt] - by Regis - 07-04-2019, 08:07 PM
RE: Morning breaks like splatter paint [Relic Hunt] - by Morrighan - 07-07-2019, 11:08 PM
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