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All Welcome  - when balance becomes unbalanced [meeting]

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The court was particularly full of sound, these days. A crisp breeze always seemed to dance through the streets, carrying with it the sounds of gossip and birdsong. First were the whispers of murder in Delumine, then kidnapping in Denocte, and finally regicide in Solterra. Poor Mateo could not in any good conscious stay locked in the library with his head in the books, not with all these secrets blowing about in the wind, waiting to be spun into song.

On his way to the meeting he had gotten distracted by something or another, and so he arrives... not early, but not particularly late. Just in time, some might say, and he would humbly have to agree. Their noble sovereign is speaking earnestly and seriously. Mateo is struck, not for the first time, with jealousy at how easy he makes public speaking seem, although this base emotion is quickly replaced by others at the news that the borders will be closed.

The pegasus' silver-green eyes shift to the faces of the citizens around him, curious what their reactions will be. (He smiles briefly at Regis when their eyes meet, extending a few feathers in greeting.) Mateo trusts his regime and the decisions they make, although the thought of locking a murderer within their walls makes him uneasy. But he thinks of the sound of Moore's laughter and wonders what sounds he made when he died, and if he did so bravely. Mateo doesn't know about the sounds, but he is certain the man was brave down to his last breath. The pegasus figures he can be brave, too, although it is a terribly uncomfortable thing to be when you're not used to it.

"I'll help patrol." His voice starts strong but softens as others turn to look at him. By the end of his next sentence he's looking at the ground and his eyes seem more green than grey. A deep, dark, bury-me-in-the-ground green. "I'm in the sky most every day, anyway."


Messages In This Thread
RE: when balance becomes unbalanced [meeting] - by Pavetta - 02-25-2019, 09:36 PM
RE: when balance becomes unbalanced [meeting] - by Mateo - 02-26-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: when balance becomes unbalanced [meeting] - by Eulalie - 02-26-2019, 09:57 PM
RE: when balance becomes unbalanced [meeting] - by Ipomoea - 03-11-2019, 06:37 PM
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