an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - I rep this city [MEETING]

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

you know i rep this shit
i gots it tatted on my skin
if you fuckin' with my city


then you fuckin' with my kin
you know i rep this shit
i got my hands up on your chest

The doe felt like a mess. She stared quietly at her reflection in the mirror of her new room . . . her room . . . in this large fortress, the large citadel. Her new home, the crowning glory of Delumine, where she was expected to lead her court to success, "What the hell was I thinking?" She asked the reflection, before shaking her head, and forcing herself to straight, to stand taller, "I've got this. Just face the masses, make sure they know who I am . . . Oh gods, what if they question me . . . . How do you even address a crowd like this?" She felt like crawling back into the big empty bed behind her, suddenly wishing she had the strength, the support of her fiance beside her. She could use Coy's reassuring touch, his positive infectious smile. But no, she needed to do this herself.

She turned towards the door, opening it to finally allow the stewardess inside from where they'd been waiting for who knows how wrong, "Is everything in order?" The question came smoothly but felt awkward as she addressed the individual. She was quickly assured that the flyers had been sent out, announcing the meeting today, the courtyard had been dressed appropriated, formally but not absurd (which meant Coy hadn't shown up to put a wrench in things . . . yet, she never knew where to trust her buck with these things. His ideas were rarely proper for the general public. He was talking about flame throwers at their wedding after all, and she hadn't had the patience to even ask what he wanted them for before knocking those down.

Instead, she nodded, dismissing the stewardess for the moment, so she could finish getting ready - though perhaps psyching herself up was a better term, a proper term. No, she could do this. Sure, it was leading an entire community, rather than just a handful of adventures on an exploration . . . but same thing, right? Time to get this party started before she realized it wasn't. She left her rooms then, and immediately some attendants fell in line, a few still unable to stop themselves from staring at the deer they found leading them. Cally didn't care about that, let them stare. However, as she passed the windows, the vines crawling up, seeming to literally move closer to the glass, she felt herself relax, as the foilage reassured her where she could not, Do well, mistress! We have faith in you! You have this, mistress! Who needs friends when you can commune with nature?

She stepped outside, blinking away the early sun from her eyes, and following the paths that would lead to the main courtyard, smiling as bits of vine brushed against her as she passed, flowers and grass blades clinging to her limbs in delight at her presence. Would her people be this happy to see her? All around her, the plants, the foilage called out greetings and reassurances only she could hear, and she could feel the reassuring hum of Viridae Forest in the back of her mind, her magic once more connecting her to the ley lines that extended all the way through Novus, letting her own awareness be swept through Delumine, checking everything was in order, was secure before she'd step in front of the masses. Even the trees, feeling her mental presence assured her all was well, chiding her for putting off the meeting longer.

With little left to check, she squared her shoulders, before nodding to some vines that were acting as a partitioner between the courtyard the meeting was to be held in, and where she was in the gardens. The vines split, pulling themselves back, and she walked through, her head held high, and the slight sparkling of green magic down her spine, from where the ley line energy buzzed. She didn't stand on the podium, find a stage to lord over, or set herself at the top of the stairway back into another section of the Citadel. No. Cally moved to the front, her gaze turning towards the people as her attendants fell into their spots off to the side, near a scribe that was ready to document this event so Cally could come back to and focus on any questions she might not have an answer to just yet. So she could bring up ideas or thoughts that came forward during this meeting. So she could do right by the people of Dawn.

"Thank you for coming out, I am certain early morning meetings are no one's idea of fun. But this meeting is well due. My name is Callynite, for those of you who know me, I am delighted to see you again, for those of you who don't, I have been a member of Dawn Court for the past few years, exploring all of Novus to continue to learn and embrace the knowledge out there. But, Delumine has gone quiet, and not even I could ignore it for much longer. Not too long ago, I challenged Andras for Sovereignty of the Kingdom, and I won. So, today, I stand before you as the Sovereign of Dawn Court." A little lengthier than she'd planned for her introduction, but as she stared out at the sea of faces, she knew she had to do this right.

The red deer tilted her head to the side, antlers glinting in the early sun, "I have high hopes of Delumine, to see it become a kingdom teeming with life, to see it return to the glory it has been in the past, rather than the subdued engagement it's displayed previously. But I know this is not a journey for me to take alone, and ask that each and every one of you help me bring Delumine back to life. We are a people of wisdom, honesty, and intellect. And I know, working together, all of us, we can accomplish things of the likes Novus has never seen before. I cannot do this alone, I may hold a crown, but I am still one doe.

"So I ask now, for those who wish to share their own ideas, their own thoughts - voice their own questions, speak now. If I don't have an answer today, I will find an answer for you. My scribe will be dictating this entire meeting, so nothing said here will be dismissed or forgotten. I am also looking for a Regime, a Council to work alongside me, and if any such positions interest you, I ask that you speak to me in regards to it.
" She concluded, falling quiet, her steady gaze calm, waiting for who would speak up first, and hoping that she'd be able to tackle anything asked of her smoothly.

motherfuckers best believe it

@All of Dawn
Notes: Lets get this party started.

that you're fuckin' with the best
kill the lights

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Lunar [PM] Posts: 5 — Threads: 3
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Medic
Female [She/Her]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  17.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

"through the fire and ashes we stand."

The talks of a new Sovereign intrigued her.

While Aska had mostly kept to herself in the time she’s been at the court, even she could not ignore the silent whispers that seemed to get louder the closer she came to the center of the Dawn Court. It all seemed to lend to a climax a few days later, when the news came that a meeting was to be held to celebrate the coming of a new Sovereign, replacing the one that had previously sat upon the throne.

Figuring it would not hurt to go, Aska arrived with many others and found her place a little to the side – being careful to not obscure the view from the smaller ones and receiving a few smiles in return, to which she nodded calmly.

It was a strange view, a view not many had seen before to have a deer stand before them – quite literally, as the new Sovereign stood in front of them rather than above, a decision she definitely applauded – Aska truly hoped this young doe would not let words get to her, or the stress and everything that came with ruling over others. It was a position she knew well, having been the Matriarch to their pack before she decided to go on this journey. If possible… if this little doe were to accept it, she would be willing to offer guidance and a calm perspective if she ever needed it.

These were things she would have to speak up about, but it wasn’t something Aska wished to do in public when there were so many others ready to ask questions. She would wait her turn and instead offered a respectful nod to Callynite, her tired golden eyes conveying her silent support.




Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

The buck had been doing a lot of soul searching and serious thought in the last few weeks, trying to decide how to go about certain steps regarding his life and his future with his beloved. Then the summons came. Shock, and a spike of fear of what it might mean for them, rushed through the stag and he found himself traveling the distance to where the new sovereign was meeting her court. There were equines everywhere, and a small stag of longing hit him as he saw their beautiful forms. Then his eyes landed on the doe. That longing disappeared quickly, replaced with love. Stepping to the front of the crowd, he paused. He wasn’t sure it would be appropriate for him to approach her, but he desperately wanted to. 

"I look forward to seeing what you will do with your court. And I believe this would be the best time to ask. Would you allow a vagabond to join your court?" He asked, dipping his head while shooting her a grin. Yes, it was a shock to find that she had become the sovereign without even speaking to him of it. But he was so proud of the doe. Proud enough to erase the pang of frustration. He wouldn’t be seeking anything beside citizenship. That could be seen as favoritism, and Cally needed to be impartial when it came to her court.

It truly hit him then. He was giving up his freedom as a vagabond. Giving up the ability to travel anywhere and stay where his heart lived. But rather than feeling that he was losing something, the stag felt that he was gaining the whole world. He was to marry the doe before him, to marry the sovereign of the dawn court. Butterflies took hold and his cyan eyes twinkled as he watched her delicate face for any sign of reaction.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Bingo for image


Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 196 — Threads: 34
Signos: 25
Dawn Court Scholar
Male [He/Him/His]  |  16 [Year 495 Spring]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 48  |    Active Magic: Blood Manipulation  |    Bonded: Alba (Barn Owl)

an eye for an eye and the world goes blind

The silent beating wings of a barn owl signaled his arrival.

Nearly everyone within Delumine knew of the barn owl, and what her arrival meant. She was, just as her bond-mate, quite the legend among these lands, like whispers on the breeze, or like ghosts flitting within the forests. Finding a place to roost, Alba landed with silent grace and peered around the gathered citizens of Delumine, her piercing, keen eyes rooted upon the horned doe who introduced herself as the new Queen of Delumine.


Alba’s head swiveled, focusing on the crowd, picking out those whom she knew and those she didn’t. Even though she knew by now that she wouldn’t find them, that they had been swept away as though time itself had stolen them, and oh, how her heart ached at the thought, the barn owl searched the sea of faces for two certain twinlings and an ivory and gold mare. They weren’t there, of course.

They hadn’t been there for a long, long time.

Stepping up into the courtyard, Somnus arrived. Dawn’s light kissed along the golden accents of his skin, catching the way the ivory hair of his shorn mane had begun growing back out in length. The man’s face, greying with age, remained held high, sightless eyes staring forward, his steps confident and casual. Those within the crowd who saw him and recognized him parted immediately, giving him a wide berth, allowing him unhindered passage towards the front of the gathered citizens.

There were even some within the crowd who nodded their heads, dipping their muzzles with reverence and respect at acknowledging Delumine’s former Sovereign, a man who had fought alongside Oriens for for the safety of this home, who had wined, dined, and shared tea with their Patron Deity on more than one occasion, who had served these lands both body and soul for years.

As he arrived at the front of the throne, milky white eyes focused upon the figure he could not see, golden ears flicking forward to listen as she spoke, Alba finally departed her perch. She soared down atop the gathered heads, wings beating without sound, to land effortlessly upon the dunalino’s croup. She popped her beak once towards the closest individual before ruffling her feathers and growing quiet, and Somnus only smiled, wistful and nostalgic.

He stared, sightless and unseeing, emotions roiling within his breast. Slowly he inhaled, deeply, letting the breath fill his lungs and calm his racing heart.

A man of the people, he had always been. Serving Delumine was his calling, serving Oriens, and he could already hear the similarities in the efforts that this lady, this Callynite, boasted. Leading a kingdom was hard work. He knew, firsthand, after all… And one could not do it alone. It would be foolish to try.

Only when silence echoed long enough did he break it, the gentle, patient rasp of his rich, accented voice enough to cut through the quiet that had settled.

“Oriens’ wisdom upon you, Lady,” he greeted with a polite dip of his head, that warm, patient smile still in place as he regarded the young doe, although he couldn’t quite see her. His unfocused pale eyes lingered just slightly off of her, just enough to be unnerving, but Somnus no longer needed his eyes to truly see. Such was the blessing of his devotion to Oriens. He did not introduce himself, as many here knew who and what he was, Callynite surely included.

Somnus knew of his legacy.

“Delumine has always been a land of just fairness, of understanding, a land that appreciates and values thoughtful rationale and higher learning, although some have come and tried to sully such a thing. It seems those corrupt ways of living have held no permanent sway here, much to the relief of this old man’s tired heart.” He paused, long enough to chuckle at his own joke before swiftly going on, effortless in his diplomatic capabilities. “I offer you my wisdom, lady, and my insight. I have served Delumine for most of my years; as a scribe, a scholar, a solitary practitioner in the divinity proffered by Oriens himself, a Champion, and as his chosen Sovereign, many, many years ago.”

“This land has always held my heart, and it shall continue to do so. I offer my allegiance to you, temporary as it shall be in the grand face of time. Should you need insight, or wisdom, or thoughtful opinions, I would be humbled to pass that knowledge unto you, young Queen. You need only ask. I am at your service.”

Somnus then dipped his head, unseeing eyes falling shut for a brief moment before he straightened.


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

Please tag Somnus in all replies!


Played by Offline Elidhu [PM] Posts: 55 — Threads: 14
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Soldier
Female [She/Her]  |  10 [Year 500 Winter]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 16  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


maybe then
I'd feel alive without you

he sun rose another day. Each day her ache grew and swelled until she could almost no longer bear it. The more and more Meira thought about her choices to join Delumine, the more and more she felt the weight of regret sink into her bones. She did not love Delumine. She did not love Oriens. Meira loves Solis. She loves Solterra. What are you doing here then? They would always ask her. It was a question that gnawed at her on the nights where she could not fall into a slumber because to sleep meant to dream. To dream meant that she had to see him. Just like Solterra. Meira, despite her disdain for the situation, was trapped. The soldier moves with a sour face stitched to her lips. 

She remembers who sat in the seat of power when she first moved to Delumine. Then they were gone, and the regent filled their empty seats. Then he was gone too. Now there were whispers and orders from above to attend a new coronation of sorts for what others were calling a cervine. A deer. Meira is even less certain about the ruler now than ever before. She has no prior experience with deer, let alone being expected to serve one. As she arrives at the gathering there is but one familiar face. Somnus. He was at the last festival with all the mages. Or perhaps it was on the island that sank into the sea. Meira allows her eyes to linger on him momentarily before drifting to the red deer delivering her speech. Meira can taste the uncertainty of her words like a bitter drink.

The seaborn woman can't choke back the growing resentment she feels. She is trapped here. It is the same as before, this deer will bring no solace to her. A murmur stirs to life through the crowd. Meira is on duty here but she can't help herself and the growing ire she feels in the pit of her stomach. The words of support spill out of the masses almost blindly. As if there was no one else before the deer who Meira has already forgotten the name of. Not because she does not care, but because all names seem to slip her mind at first. When the new sovereign invites them to share their ideas and experiences, Meira can't hold herself back. The support for this stranger is deafening. Even if she claims to have been here years, she is still as much a stranger to Meira as everyone else.

She cannot see past her own faults.

"And what for those of us that still remember all that has happened? Those of us who once were made to feel as though they belong before it was ripped away again? In all my time in Delumine, all I have seen from the promises of sovereigns is loss. Why are you any different than the rest of them?" Meira is almost surprised by the challenges she has presented to the doe.

"And what will you do for those of us who will not offer out support so blindly. Those of us who would like proof of the changes you dream of creating here? What will you do with the soldiers who speak up? The children who cast wary glances your way. Any warm body can claim a throne, but it takes a great deal to be an effective leader. Convince me why I should accept and serve you. Or work together as you say..." Meira is surprised at the strength of her emotions. The heat of her anger stems from another source. The previous sovereigns' abandonment of the throne, and the pain she endures feeling trapped in a world she feels she does not belong in.

@Somnus @Aska @Callynite @Huehuecoyotl


Played by Offline kai [PM] Posts: 13 — Threads: 4
Signos: 20
Dawn Court Medic
Female [she / her]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  12.1 hh  |  Hth: 15 — Atk: 5 — Exp: 16  |    Active Magic: N/A & N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

I'll show you
what I'm made of

Unrest had spread throughout Novus , to the point where she had tasted it in the air .

The four courts had been upheaved from their stagnant positions , and new Sovereigns had slid into place . Grimwyck had told her about Terrastella , the new Sovereign there . And it was hard to not hear about Solterra and Denocte . So it isn't a shock that Delumine too , has a new leader . Someone else to shake the cobwebs free , and perhaps someone to draw her back toward home , instead of her constant wandering far to other lands , even if it is to pick up other herbs she cannot find here in Dawn Court .

Her striped body wanders into the depths of the Court , toward a gathering that has begun . It doesn't take much to wiggle in between people , to 'excuse me' and 'pardon me' her way to the near front , ears tipping forward and antlers shifting as her head lifts before she blinks . She's startled to see --- a deer . It's a surprise , but there's a smile that touches her peach lips as she moves more forward , hooves picking a small path when she comes up just a little more , among others too that have stepped up .

For a moment , she stays silent , her head giving a small nod . Though her bright eyes cast sideways toward a sour speaker , she turns them back toward the woman at the head of them , offering a polite smile instead .

" All of Novus has been quiet -- I've seen it myself -- and many have grown stagnant in place of it , welcoming what was . But all of the courts now have new leaders , and I for one , am glad that Delumine has a new Sovereign now too . It's a well needed change , and maybe it's time for all of us to adjust to that change . Someone had to step up and do it . We all belong to this court , we're all a part of it , aren't we ? Just because we have a new leader doesn't change that fact . I didn't hear anyone complaining about it when Andras took over . So I don't think we should complain now , either . " She snorts a little , and looks back to Callynite , beaming , warm and inviting .

" I'm Eirene , a medic here in the court , and I've been here for a while . I watched when Oriens came down to pick Andras , so I've been here for a little bit , at least . I have a garden of herbs and my own little apothecary of salves and tinctures for the injured . I look forward to working with you , Callynite . If you need any of my services , I'm not hard to find . "



Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

you know i rep this shit
i gots it tatted on my skin
if you fuckin' with my city


then you fuckin' with my kin
you know i rep this shit
i got my hands up on your chest

Callynite felt those nervous that had engulfed her ebb away slowly as she stood before the small collection of her citizens now . . . Her citizens, her Court. That thought still felt so unreal to the doe, but the small amount was enough proof, enough awareness of just how quite Delumine had fallen. How were these numbers perceived as . . .. normal? Where had this been okay to Andras? Where had the silence been allowed to converge upon their people, their court, their home? Cally hoped in her reign to see it changed, to see it fixed, to see life be breathed into it, made real once more. A land they could all stand proud before, where she could look to Oriens and declare she'd made his realm a force. Let their knowledge be their vibrancy, let their kingdom swell, in turn . . . perhaps this could even by their new, modern Atlantis, a kingdom of intellectual advancements like no one could believe.

Though, she would fear history repeating itself as well, on that one. One fall of Atlantis was enough, her heart had never forgiven the God who stole her favorite city from her. Taken it into the sea where her reach could not extend. Not this time, she wouldn't let this place fall into ruin as well. She might be just a young doe, but she held, in her soul, the reincarnation of something so much more. She would use those memories, that knowledge to aid her. Just as she felt the energy of this land, the magic of the leylines at crossed beneath her sovereign soil hum, she also wished to feel that same energy, that same life hum from her people.

Perhaps some day. Slowly she watched the others arrive, and she couldn't deny the slight smile of amusement that crossed her elegant face at the reactions to her species. She could hear the questions, the thoughtful hesitation at her being to the front, but she didn't let it get to her, how could she, she was proud of who she was, she was in her natural form (well, one of her most natural, the day the earth would falter if she ever was able to take her truest form, her previous form, when had been something so much more than a mere mortal). But this deer had been her pre-Novus form, and that was all she needed to feel comfortable.

One such mare had already dipped her head in silent greeting, of silent support, to which Cally returned with her own delicate incline, not fully dipping her head, but the acknowledgment there, and her features warming into a kind smile. It was hard to do much more when her attention was so quickly drawn away to the stag that entered. His words had stolen her breath, even as her gaze softened, warmed upon her mate, though she kept her countenance professional, "I would never be one to turn away potential members to Delumine. Speak we me after this meeting, and we can make sure you're adjustment into the Court is smooth, Coyotl." She agreed, her smile warm, and her own stance being a little taller, a little stronger with his support. It was odd, just how important the stag had become to her after all their time together, but there was no denying his presence made her feel all the stronger now.

And then she felt the shift. Her gaze turned towards where the very plants seemed to call her attention, as a man broke through the crowd with ease, and just as others dipped their heads in respect, in that same reverence, Cally did the same to the former Sovereign, not about to disrespect the position he once held, the power he still did, what that man had done for this kingdom. His greeting had her smiling, "Somnus, welcome. You honor me with your presence today." She greeted respectfully, politely. There was no need for his introduction, he was his own introduction. And while she may hold the throne today, she didn't hesitate to show respect to the ones who came before her.

His words, she listened to calmly, giving the old stallion her complete attention. She had to agree to his words, words of fairness, understanding, higher learning. It's what had originally called her to Delumine. Before her past had been returned to her, the kingdom had sung so familiarly to her. She understood now, she saw the connections to her beloved Atlantis, but it was these very characteristics that had sung to her like a tribute to home, a lighthouse guiding her. His offer however was one she couldn't have expected, she couldn't express in words the gratitude she would have for him, "I am but one doe, and I know there will be quite the learning curve to take an adventurer and make her Queen. I will gladly accept any wisdom, any insight you have to offer, for such a valuable offer should not be taken lightly, and I am not so self-certain to dismiss such a kind offer." She respectfully accepted, once more dipping her tiara to the larger beast, her gaze warm, delighted by the show of support.

"Your words, your wisdom and insight will most certainly always be treated as the treasured knowledge it should be within my Courtrooms and Halls." And then comes the first sign of discontent. Cally knew it would come, there would always be those who resist change for whatever reason, those who would not see her in the same light as another. Though, in this case, it felt so much deeper than that. She couldn't place an explanation to it. The challenge presented to her, however, could not be ignored. Cally took a soft breath, and the very energy of the land seemed to surge to her, to reassure her that she was doing right. As Cally looked towards the mare, her expression was gentle, not upset, not condemning one who would speak against her.

"I am, indeed, my own individual. And while your own issues with in Delumine have not been the best, promises might not have been kept by those who came before me, I am not the sort to aim for my own gain. I'm not the type of doe to make half-efforts or promises I have no intentions to keep. I do not ask for blind support, for my citizens to throw themselves prone beneath my hooves, or accept my words at face value. I fully intend to prove my worth with my actions, with my presence. I am not some high-class lady to hide behind citadel walls, to let others do the work for me, but my actions in coming times will be my proof to my words.

"I cannot ask you to support me where you may not see it yet, and while I may ask for respect, I will strive to earn it first. While I want to see others embrace my ideas for advancement, I won't hold a crop to one's hide to ensure they do so. I am not a tyrant, I have no tolerance to bully others into seeing my way, my path. Should my soldiers speak up, I will listen. Should my ideas be questioned, I will try to answer them. Should others watch me warily, I will strive to prove myself more. I don't want to be a lifeless doll sat upon a thrown for face value, that's not the life I would enjoy. I am a doe of action, I lead by example, not by lifeless laws that I force others to carry out.

Her gaze was kind, and she moved through the crowds, towards the mare that had spoken, the soft green static cling of her magic clinging to her pelt. Where she walked, the former nature goddess had small flowers and grasses peeking up from the soil, between cracks in the stone of the courtyard, "I may not have the answers, the proof you ask for today. It is, but; my first official day on the job - so to stay. But I would ask you take the time to let me prove by my actions that I'm not speaking to only win community favor. Let me show you my own work ethic, my own desire to put my hoof to the grind, and work hard myself to build Delumine back up. NOt just for myself, or you, or any of the other citizens, but for the legacies we leave behind." Her smile softened, "I want to work together, all of us, as a unit, a powerful symbol of what we can accomplish when we put our minds together. One book does not make a library, it's the collective whole, with all their shared knowledge that can build a place of higher learning. And just like that, Delumine is the same. It's not just one of us who can build this kingdom, it's all of us, working together, to carve our way back into the good graces of history books. To let others whisper in awe at what our Court has become.

"We have been stagnant for a while, much of Novus has it seems, but we are entering a new age, and as the other Courts begin to come to life once more, I will not let Delumine fall into the dark ages. We are a people of learning, we are an enlightened court, where knowledge is our most powerful tool. Where we stand for more than just pride, or compassion, or empathy. We are a people who can move mountains, because when we work together, when we share knowledge, share our support, help hold each other up, we are like that collection of books, we becoming something more, something bigger than just a single book on a lone shelf, we become a powerful source of inspiration, of encouragement, of learning and commitment, of power in our minds, that fuel our hearts. And it's this, this that is so over looked when one things of scholars. We are more than a single shade in a corner, hunched over a book with a dying candle.

Her gaze had travelled back over the masses, as she died down her speech, as she tied it up with a more personal touch, "Great countries are built on the knowledge of their citizens, an advancement in all the do by their shared understanding of their trade and their home. We are the very scholars of Novus . . . And I want to help remind Novus just what can be done when you hold that knowledge. I can only ask for you to all help me remold what an intellectual can accomplish, to remind the world, we don't just hide in the archives, we document the history, because we are part of that change." Her gaze returned to Meira, and she her green gaze watched her momentarily, "I won't beg for anyone to stay with in Delumine, but I do ask that rash decisions not be made before proof can be given in the coming weeks, as I learn the best ways to lead beside all of you. But, if you are so inclined to leave, I also will not trap you in a place that no longer holds your heart . . . But please, speak with me before you go - Privately, so I can learn from your experiences in Delumine, the actions against you that have swayed you so, to ensure I do not take those own actions upon others. I cannot right any wrongs that have already been acted upon you . . . But, I can apologize that the ones that came before me have caused you so much distress." She said more softly, for Meira's ears alone, before she walked back to her starting place.

This leading thing was already a lot harder than she had expected . . . Was she too long-winded for her rally to arms, was she doing any of this right? She couldn't know until she saw the lasting impact her words may have in the coming weeks. She could only hope she was doing it right. She was grateful for the show of support from the vast majority so far though, and she had to acknowledge the next speaker with a nod, speaking of the same silence Cally herself had just addressed, silently relieved she wasn't the only one who had noticed it. And then the other introduced themselves, Eirene, a medic, and Cally bowed her head in a returned greeting, "Thank you, Eirene, for both your words of support, and I look forward to working with you," Her gaze swept over the crowd, her smile warm, welcoming, bright, "with all of you, for as long as I keep this throne." And her ease right now, it was clear to see, she planned to keep it for as long as she could, and do her best to breath the life back into Delumine.

motherfuckers best believe it

@All of Dawn
Notes: Girl went a little into a long-winded speech . . . . I feel like she'd be a horrible politician though.

that you're fuckin' with the best
kill the lights

Artwork ©Bingo


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