an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Success  - Callynite x Huehuecoyotl

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

Parent #1

Roleplayer: @Dyzzie
Name: @Callynite
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Court: Dawn

Parent #2

Roleplayer: @Chaosy
Name: @Huehuecoyotl
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Court: Dawn

Other Information

Link to the required Amare Creek "Fade to Black" thread: Here

How many total threads have they interacted in? 
plus breeding thread.

What is the current IC season? Spring

Are you using any items? Healthy Pregnancy, Choose Gender [Male] - Both on Cally's account

If the parents are of separate Courts, what parent will the foal live with? Dawn

If the conception is successful, do you have an RPer for the foal(s)? @Dyzzie

Is there anything else you'd like us to know? They have a vow of union :) [and she's sovereign xD]



Played by Offline inkbone [PM] Posts: 73 — Threads: 1
Signos: 25,195
Owner Administrator


Pregnancy: Successful!
As @Huehuecoyotyl and @Callynite have been blessed by Union, a dice roll was not necessary. 
The pregnancy is guaranteed to be successful.

Number of fawns: One!
A dice roll was made to determine whether the parents will have twins or a single fawn. Any number 1 to 5 will result in twins, and numbers 6 to 100 will result in a single. 
8 was rolled, so it will be a single fawn.

Fawn Health: Healthy!
As @Callynite has the item for Healthy Pregnancy, a dice roll is not necessary. 
The item has now been removed from their inventory and the fawn will be healthy.

Fawn Gender: Colt!
As @Callynite has the item for Choose Gender, a dice roll is not necessary. 
The item has now been removed from their inventory and their offspring will be male.

Immortality Inheritance: None
As neither parent possess Immortality there is 0% chance of the fawn obtaining via inheritance, a dice roll is not necessary. 
The fawn will not inherit Immortality.

Active Magic Inheritance: Yes!
As @Callynite and @Huehuecoyotl both have Active magic, a roll was done to determine inheritance. Any number 1 to 50 will result in inheritance, and numbers 51 to 100 will not.
9 was rolled, so the fawn WILL inherit Active Magic.

Magic a foal inherits must be, in some way, related to one or both of the parent's magic.

To recap...

The pregnancy is successful! Callynite and Huehuecoyotl will have a fawn. The pregnancy will be healthy and will result in one male, who will inherit Active Magic but not Immortality.

The fawn will be played by @Dyzzie and will reside with both the mother @Callynite and father @Huehuecoyotl in the Dawn Court.

Both parents have already been awarded +1 EXP for a successful pregnancy. Once Callynite gives birth (e.g. the fawn becomes an accepted character), she will be able to post an EXP redemption to claim "+1 EXP for successful birth."

You can view the live rolls in the Discord #polls channel, by clicking this link.

Things of Note

All fawns must wait to be born until the following IC season. However, since this breeding request was posted in the previous season - you may choose to join this fawn immediately (Year 508 Summer, 04/04/22) within 508 Summer if you wish. Alternatively, you are still allowed to wait until the next season (Year 508 Fall, Starting 06/01/22) if that is what you'd like. 

If the fawn's profiles are not created and approved by halfway through the next season (Year 508 Fall, 07/01/22), they will be considered dead and the parents can determine how they died.

The fawn's RPer is allowed to join them anywhere between the age of 0 and 2. Whatever age they decide on in their application is the age that the fawn will begin aging from. This allows you the choice of either RPing out the young years or skipping straight to their independent years. 

Fawn designs are left up to you (or their RPer, however you arrange it). The only requirement we have is that it meets the site expectations for character designs.

To redeem the inherited Active Magic and Immortality: When posting the fawn's character application, please also post a Restricted Item Redemption for applicable inheritances. At the "How did you obtain" question, link to this Breeding Request Thread.

Magic a foal inherits must be, in some way, related to one or both of the parent's magic.


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