an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Portal IC Event  - This was not my intention

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

i've been so wrapped up
in my warm cocoon


but something's happening
things are changing soon

The doe had been traveling around the mountains curiously, partially to wait for her mate, her fiance, her other half to show up. She and Coy had decided they'd meet in Arma Mountains to see if it would be well suited for a wedding, particularly as it's close location to Caelum would mean that the fae horse would have an easier time helping them with decor (as Coy was determined to rope the poor mare into). Cally, didn't much care about how the place looked, so long as it was official. The horse-deer hybrid, had; however, stumbled across an odd portal, or rather another one. She'd found a couple of them now, had even ventured into another one with Luvena not long ago . . . but this one smelled of sea salt, and curious the doe was now carefully pacing around it. No sign of Coy yet though, so the doe pranced eagerly, wondering if she should leave a note, or hope he sensed her, or however he always seemed to find her, but either way, she wanted to explore.

There was still so much she DIDN'T know about these portals after all. So the doe raised her head, her horn gleaming in the light before she stepped through the portal. Instantly something was wrong, as magic flung itself to her, and she stumbled under the sudden pressure, a cry being torn through her muzzle as she stumbled, falling into the sand at the other side of the portal. Her eyes squeezed shut, feeling the magic practically ripping at her. Was this the end, was this going to be it for her? Was this how she died?! She hadn't even got to say 'I do' yet. Her eyes were squeezed shut as the magic spun around her, until it seemed to explode in her mind, and she blacked out.

She didn't know how long she was out before she slowly blinked her eyes awake. She climbed clumbsily to her feet, her limbs swaying as she stretched, and tried to take her senses in. nose twitching. She stomped a hoof, flicked her tail before pausing. Why did she feel so tall? Why was the ground so far below her? She peered down, eyes on her hooves and she hesitantly lifted it, did the portal tear weight from her limbs? Why did she look so thin in the leg?! She paused, before going to flick her mane back . . . . and nothing flicked back. She paused, before slowly she actually began to take catalog of herself. The moment she turned to look down her back, she paused.

This outline was wrong. The fluffy half pony pelt was gone. The odd tail with too long fur that mocked her as an almost horse's tail was gone. Her gaze continued to roam over her and she stared at the slenderness she had been familiar with so long ago. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she suddenly bounded towards the sea, before catching herself, and falling into the sand in shock. Bounding. SHE WAS ABLE TO BOUND AGAIN. Almost afraid, she made her way to the sea and turned her face down to cast a look at her reflection, her breath leaving her in a puff of cold air.

She froze, unable to take her eyes off the reflection staring back. She twitched each singular ear, one at a time, the reflection doing it back. She blinked once. Twice. Yes. Yes, this . . . this was her. Cervine face. The three pronged horns. Her heart was slamming in her chest now. This was her. This was who she'd been before Novus swept her into it's embrace. This was what she'd been like back home. Tears were blinked back as she slowly smiled, and then she was bounding away, steps light, airy, graceful, the wind ruffling her face, fluffing up the fluff of her chest, as the deer bounded in delight in a way her previous hybrid form hadn't been able to let her.

She was back! This was real! She was herself again! Her magic flared out, flowers blooming all around her in her joy, and she laughed. Wait until she showed Co- The sliding stop was the result of her thoughts sliding over her like icy water, ruining her mood. Coy. What . . . what would he think. She slowly turned towards the portal with a distressed bleat, before she slowly walked towards it, nervous suddenly, afraid to cross it back into the where he might be waiting, where he might see her . . . Where he might change his mind. 

i'm pushing the edge, i'm feeling it crack

Notes: Figured she could change first, and he can stumble through the portal after her. Up to you on how he goes through his form change, but . . . . this was how I planned hers, as it's almost the reverse of how she changed coming into Novus through a portal haha.

and once i get out
there's no turning back

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

being fabulous is the absolute best revenge

The stallion sighed as he approached where he was to meet Cally. His. She was really going to be his mate. The idea of it was still surreal, making him want to pinch himself to make sure it was true. The emotions were a torrent in his mind as he moved, stopping short as he followed her scent to a portal.

"Damn it Cally... You were to wait for me." He grumbled softly as he gazed around in hopes that she hadnt just decided to take the portal as an adventure. The little doe would be the death of him yet. With a soft laughing sigh, he gazed at the portal, the magic that was pulling at his very frame. As much as he tried to grumble, he loved her fierceness, her desire to learn more and explore the world around her. She was filled with life and that always made him want to smile.

"Ok... here I come. Please let us arrive in the same place..." He murmured to himself as he stepped through the portal. The magic was electrifying, like being swept into a ball of static. He was thrown out of the portal into sand, eyes closed as he tried to make sure he was still alive. As he took stock of his body and the different feelings that seemed to be swamping the stallion. His head felt heavy as he lifted it. He could no longer feel the caress of his mane against his thick neck.

Opening his cyan eyes, he looked at his limbs. Wait... cloven hooves?! Where were the long feathers that used to grace his stocky legs? Heck... where were his stocky legs?! The colors were correct... but his legs were thinner, built for agility rather than strength. Whipping his head about, he noted that his long mane and tail were gone, the tresses that he had been so proud of were no where to be seen. Instead, a deer tail caught his eye. His eyes widened as he got to his hooves and turned toward the water that he had been deposited next to. The face that met him was his, but not at the same time. The features were clearly not equine any longer, and his star had morphed into a full blaze... but the colors, the markings, the eyes... they were him. He had larger ears and a pair of ebony antlers.

"What in the world?!" He exclaimed as he took in his features. Took in the fact that he was no longer equine. That he was cervine... A deer... What would Cally think?!? Was she here? The thought was like ice through his veins as he stepped back from the water and tried to breathe through the panic. What if he didnt see her again? They had just agreed... He had just proposed... The idea of losing her already nearly sent the stallion... no... stag... to his knees.

Notes: Welp... no more horse here either XD
"Coy Sass"


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

i've been so wrapped up
in my warm cocoon


but something's happening
things are changing soon

The doe was in a state of turmoil. Excitement, but fear. Elation, yet trepidation. She was overjoyed to be in her own form once more, but . . . but what would his reaction be? What would it mean for their relationship moving forward. How would this . . . She nervously moved forward, back in the direction of the portal, her steps hesitating, her expression conflicted, only to pause at a familiar color pattern. Thump, thump. Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze roamed up those stockinged limbs, the neon green stripe. The Appaloosa splattering. Thump, thump. Her steps were cautious as she stared at the buck in front of her as he stared at his own reflection. Her own magic was confirming life before her, flaring comfortably, eagerly as it normally did when she senses him. "Huehuecoyotl?" His full name left her muzzle as she slowly walked up to him, staring up into his face, searching the cyan gaze she knew so well, Thump, thump.

The would be the first to admit her mate was gorgeous when they were horses, but . . . but this was a whole new level. His expression was as shocked as she felt seeing him like this, but the doe couldn't stop her muzzle from splitting into a smile, her ears flipping down slight, as she took in the new look, standing easier at his side than she had when she'd been in her half-form. She didn't hesitate, she didn't pause as her muzzle brushed against his in a soft, gentle greeting, her body leaning up against his in a way their previous height difference hadn't allowed, "You look . . . . remarkable." She reassured, suddenly no longer hesitant about her own changed appearance, and instead backed off so he could turn to look at her, smiling even as she playfully posed.

"Of course, you're not the only one the portal felt it needed to mess with." This time, her gaze was softer, excited again, her green eyes shining, "Although, my form is probably a lot easier for me to slip into than your change . . . after all," She was grinning now, uncontrollably bright as she tilted her head, her movements showing her ease with this shape, "After all, this was my true appearance before Novus." And Novus had given it back to her.

The doe skipped back to his side, her steps lighter, more graceful than before, as she snuggled up to his side again, leaning against him as she'd craved to do but had never been able to before. His fur was soft against hers, and while his appearance had changed, his scent had not, his energy had not. His appearance was altered, yes, but her Coy was still the same, and while she might find him even more handsome as a buck, no change of appearance was going to alter what she felt in her heart. Although she might throw a little fit if they returned to their mix-match appearances. Now that she was experiencing sharing time with him in a form that allowed her to actually be similar in height to him, she didn't want to go back to the 8 or so hand difference they were fighting against before.

She wanted this change to last forever.

i'm pushing the edge, i'm feeling it crack

Notes: <3

and once i get out
there's no turning back

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

being fabulous is the absolute best revenge

Steps. Softer than what he would hear from an equine. Almost delicate… Coy’s head jerked when he heard his name from a familiar voice. Yet the being that greeted his cyan eyes was not what he expected. His eyes had jumped to where her head stood, meeting the doe’s chest without registering it for a moment. His head lifted, no longer the elegant equine head that he was used to. The antlers were unusual to get used to, heavy and awkward. "Cally?" He asked, as his eyes took in the similarities that he was used to seeing while trying to make sense of the doe that was before him.

She was elegant and delicate in build, taller and leaner than she seemed in her hybrid form that he had first fallen for. Her mane was gone, as well as the singular horn that had stabbed him upon their first meeting. But yet, it was definitely his love. It was his Cally. Her touch was electrifying as she brushed against him. She was closer to his height, the pair making a much better match as their pelts touched. She could actually stand at his side without looking extremely unusual. "I will take remarkable. You, on the other hand… you look ethereal. You look like a true goddess of the forest." He breathed as he gazed at her and the rightness that settled over him as he took her in.

Coy laughed softly as she spoke, head turning to face the portal and glare at the odd magic. He could easily get used to this form, particularly since it put him closer to his love in a way he didn’t realize would be possible. His gaze drifted back to the limbs that were much more delicately built than before and he shook his head. "I can’t say that I expected to be changed to another creature on our voyage to find a place for our wedding." He laughed softly before looking back at her. "You were beautiful on Novus… but this makes you look more natural. More you. You are beautiful, Cally." He murmured, stepping close and pressing his muzzle to her shoulder again.

Her touches were a caress to both his frame and his mind, making him sigh in pure bliss as he cuddled to her as well. "But will the change stay when we go back?" He asked softly, hoping that it would.

Notes: Welp... no more horse here either XD
"Coy Sass"


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

i've been so wrapped up
in my warm cocoon


but something's happening
things are changing soon

The doe approached slowly, watching his reaction when his head turned up, cyan eyes meeting emerald. SHe paused, a faint smile when he instinctively looked to low for her new hight, his head lifting, her name questioning from his muzzle. She nodded softly, having difficulties taking her eyes off of him. She moved towards them the closer heights now making the motion easy, graceful . . . right, as her side brushed his, her muzzle able to briefly touch his own.

His words brought a smile, she couldn't help it, his ease to accept this look, who she truly was. Ethereal. Goddess of the forest. Oh, if only he know how close that was, a reincarnated goddess indeed. She smiled, nuzzling him, unable to stop herself from reaching out, to touch him freely now that she had a reach that allowed her to do so. "Sweettalker . . . Thank you." Oh, she'd gladly let him sweet talker, though.

The doe glanced towards the portal, wondering what this would all mean. "I certainly wasn't expecting it, either. I just wanted to look for a place to marry you . . . instead we get changed around." She laughed, before he spoke to her, and she ducked her head, smiling softly, shyly, "I should hope so . . . I've walked as this much longer than I did that form Novus turned me into." She smiled as she stretched a forelimb, leaning against his body as she did so, keeping that connection, that touch; "It's . . . It's amazing to be able to feel like this again. I can bound again - properly I mean! Like a true deer!" She added with a laugh.

His muzzle touched her shoulder and she turned her bright smile back up at him, pressing her cheek against his in fondness, "Oh, it better stay. Or I'll march right up that mountain, and give the gods a what for." She stated strongly, surely with a huff. For sure, it had better stay, or she'll take the fight to the individual temples of the gods if she must. She'll set their effigies. She was keeping this.

i'm pushing the edge, i'm feeling it crack

Notes: <3

and once i get out
there's no turning back

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

being fabulous is the absolute best revenge

The doe was not the tiny creature he was used to seeing. She was elegant and beautiful, completely who he always imagined she had been. She was nearly the same height, erasing the awkward difference that had made their courtship odd at times. Her grace was easier to see in this form, his eyes watching her as she stepped closer and touched him. His own muzzle reached for her, the stallion… stag… careful to not impale her with his antlers. 

Coy found himself grinning at her words, her touch. "My love… I can talk ever so sweet when you are near. You have the ability to bring it out in me." He teased softly, stepping slightly closer so that his side brushed hers. It was a new sensation, and he loved it.

Coy snorted as he listened to her. "If an adventure with you turned out as expected, I think I would die of shock. And all you need to do is name the place and time and I will be there to marry you. It is the one thing I have longed for more than anything else." He admitted, watching her as she moved. When she stretched out her forelimb, Coy found his eyes following the line. Yes, this form suited her so much more than the odd half doe creature that she had been. "I am pretty sure you can bound like a deer because you are… The most beautiful deer I have ever had the honor of seeing." He answered, his words morphing from amusement to soft as he nuzzled her again.

At her indignant words, Coy laughed fully. "It might not be the form that I am used to being in, but I would admit that I am rather loathe to lose this similarity with you. We fit together better now than before, and that alone makes this change worth it." He said, realizing that he was much more ok with the change than he thought he would be. 

Notes: <3
"Coy Sass"


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

i've been so wrapped up
in my warm cocoon


but something's happening
things are changing soon

The doe smiled, even as she caught herself looking over him frequently, staring at the changes, the stag her stallion had become. Of course, he seemed more careful, watching those antlers, and she finally had to laugh, shaking her head, "Now who has to worry about impaling who? Don't worry about the antlers, you'll get used to them . . . But, you don't need to worry about risking hurting me. Here, watch, lower your head and look at your reflection again," She instructed, waiting for him to do so, before using her muzzle to point out the secret of these sort of antlers, "They always point out, yes, but their more defensive than offensive. Like . . . a barrier if you will, a sharp and discouraging, but you'd have to basically head butt at a downward angle of your head to impale anything." She explained, before turning her head, and this time, she proved it a little better, resting her forehead against his, his antlers not near her, her own filling the empty space between his, neither at risk of hurting the other. "See." She whispered, pulling back enough to brush her cheek against his, "You're still not that scary."

She shifted back, before letting him step closer to her side, and she leaned into his touch, nuzzling her face against the soft fur of his chest as she smiled gently at his teasing, "As long as I'm the only one who can bring it out." She retorted playfully. Though she did have to agree, their luck with adventures were something else, "Yeah, they really do turn out a little . . . interesting, don't they?" she agreed with a laugh, before turning to look up at him.

His words touched her heart, and her smile softened, the soft, gentleness that was reserved for just him coming to the fore front, "Oh, should we just take this up to the peak now, and have a ceremony and proper wedding later then?" She teased, only half kidding. She'd be happy to claim him as her mate forever, even before a proper wedding, though she'd still rather do it in order, knowing he knew that too. "Don't agree to that . . . there's . . . some things I need to take care of in Dawn Court first, before we can get this rolling." She added, her smile playful, secretive. Some things indeed, not that she intended to tell him just yet. Just in case it fell apart on her.

She did smile at his compliment, look up at him through her eyelashes gently, "Most beautiful deer?" She repeated gently, the words soothing age old balms she had never told him about from being raised by her mother who was a radiant beauty she could never compare herself to. A lady of creams and ivory, her silver horns glinting, her blue eyes cold as ice as she would constantly berate having such a plain daughter. And yet, he never failed to find her beautiful.

Was it a surprise she loved him so deeply? She snorted lightly, even as she had to nod in agreement, "No, I agree . . . the similarity . . . the fit, it's . . . a lot better." She smiled up at him, her head tilted only just so to meet his gaze, their heights so much more level now, as she easily nuzzled his cheek, before tucking herself up against his side, "It is a lot better than before. More natural even." She agreed with a warm smile, eyes closing softly as she relaxed against him, before glancing back out at the frozen beach, "Although, can I just say that this is not a good wedding place? I think somewhere warmer . . ." Perhaps if all goes well with Delumine, in her own citadel courtyard.

i'm pushing the edge, i'm feeling it crack

Notes: <3

and once i get out
there's no turning back

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

being fabulous is the absolute best revenge

Her explination helped, the stallion-stag figuring things out as he watched her and got used to the weight. "May not be scary, but it is still odd. I have never had antlers before." He muttered, breathing in her scent and cherishing the closeness. Thinking of how hard this would be in their usual forms, he couldnt help but chuckle softly. "I think I do prefer this over what we usually have to do to touch." He teased.

Coy snorted as she spoke, shaking his head. "My love... you have to admit that interesting is a bit of an understatement. Seeing creatures from your past in a maze, turning me into a deer. Interesting is not the word that I would use." The stag nuzzled her neck, getting used to the new feeling that was attached to the scent he loved the most.

Coy flicked an ear as she teased with a secret. "I will follow you to the peak any time. But you cant just leave it at that... What are you planning, my love?" He asked, familiar cyan eyes watching her carefully.

"Cally, you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Deer, hybrid... heck, you could be a fish and I would still think the same. I love you. More than I could ever begin to express." He murmured, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Coy nodded as she spoke, following her gaze to the icy beach and noting the chill in the air. "Yeah... warmer would be much better. Should we chance heading back and see if this is permanent?" He asked, glancing at the portal with a twinge of unease. This was not home, though he could be home anywhere she was. There was even a part of him that was finally ready to settle into a court, her court. He was ready to become a member of something bigger, to have a place to belong. To belong to her.

Notes: <3
"Coy Sass"


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

i've been so wrapped up
in my warm cocoon


but something's happening
things are changing soon

The doe couldn't help but smile as she watched him get used to the weight of the antlers, her gaze lifting to them in amusement, "Well, they're rather fetching on you; I could get used to them." She teased, with a playful wink, before smiling brightly at his chuckle, enjoying the sudden increased easiness to their banter-filled, playful relationship. His words made it clear he understood. She shook her head, even as she leaned into his touch, nuzzling her cheek against his neck, the height so much more manageable between them, "So do I." Her words were definitely softer, more honest than his teasing tone, but never the less filled with the smile that had hardly left her muzzle once she'd seen him.

Once she knew he didn't mind. She did turn her gaze to look at him with a slightly raised brow of indignation, even as she was grinning slightly, "Interesting is the perfect word to use, I just keep you on the tip of your hooves." She retorted playfully, "Wouldn't want you getting bored in our relationship, now do we." She added, tugging on the longer fur at his chest. The doe felt the flutter of her chest at the promise of joining her at the peak, but at his curious inquiry, she winked, "Nothing bad. You'll know soon enough - I promise." She assured playfully.

Of course, at his words, his suggestions that she was beautiful no matter what, she rolled her eyes, even as she leaned into the touch of affection, "Lucky for you, I'm rather fond of your cheesy lines," She dismissed playfully, before her gaze softened, and she looked up at him, eyes sparkling slightly, "But, I love you too." Such an easy couple of words to say, where this stag was concerned. Who knew he'd have her so wrapped up in him. And it all started with an unintentional stabbing. Won't that be a 'how I met your mother' story of the year.

At the suggestion to heading warmer, but chancing the change, she nodded, smiling to see his unease, "Come on, let's go home. We'll walk through together." She nuzzled him reassuringly, and walked to the portal, glancing at him, for the signal he was ready - before walking through, and bumping his shoulder with hers on the other side,"See, we're fine." Yet, she was so terribly relieved, as she nuzzled his shoulder, before smiling warmly, "What about checking out some of the meadows in Viride Forest instead?" She suggested next, before nudging him playfully, "Come on, I'll race you to Delumine. Try to keep up." She teased, before bounding away, encouraging him with her laughter, as she headed home.

i'm pushing the edge, i'm feeling it crack

Notes: <3

and once i get out
there's no turning back

Artwork ©Bingo


Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

being fabulous is the absolute best revenge

Coy snorted, a sound that was not the same as what he remembered. There was definite differences that he was noting as he accepted the new form. Things that he found as positives. "I could as well… though it will say it is an odd sensation to not be a stallion rather than a stag." He teased, pressing his muzzle to her back and breathing in her scent. 

Coy laughed, his eyes alight. "Of course it is perfect. I am the essence of perfection so choosing the correct word is just second nature." He teased, pressing his shoulder to her warm frame. "I will hold you to that. Should anything bad happen to you… I dont know that I could bear it." He murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he fought the fear that threatened his happiness.

Her admission of love made his heart leap and he simply held her close. Then he followed the mare. The portal was terrifying to the stag, worry that he would not retain this similarity to his love. He trusted her, though. Following her through was like racing through lightning, the tingling magic reacting to his very presence. But he stayed the same. It was a breath of fresh air to feel the warmth of home. 

"Oh my love… I was never just fine." He teased, eyes alight as he listened to her words. "Not a bad idea." He remarked before hearing her challenge. He moved with a grace that was surreal, his moves nothing like he experienced. Even with trying to get used to it, he kept an easy pace with his beloved and felt excitement crash through him. The things that were happening around them made his world feel incredible. Perhaps he should consider making her home his own. That thought chased the stag as they moved, leaving the portal far behind and heading toward their future.

Notes: <3
"Coy Sass"


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