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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Information  - Golden Corner

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Played by Offline Israfel [PM] Posts: 53 — Threads: 39
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» the night court «

golden corner

olden Corner, placed on the edge of Denocte’s markets where the setting sun crests the longest, sells the sweetest treats in all of Novus. Or so the baker, Isak, will tell you. Despite what stereotypes would lead you to believe, Isak is a pencil-thin thoroughbred cross with wings twice as large as himself. He picked up a love for pastries and other treats when studying abroad in Delumine one summer; since then, he opened Golden Corner and hasn’t closed a day since. Rain, shine, snow, wind; Golden Corner remains open, with an assortment of baked goods, tea, and coffee. Isak is known for his welcoming demeanor and the way, despite the weather, Golden Corner radiates warmth and comfort. 

This particular corner of Denocte, in addition, harbors an assortment of orphans and runaways. Isak allows them to perform chores in exchange for small allowances or food. The loft above the bakery, more often than not, acts as a sort of halfway stop for young vagrants and those who have no where else to go. Isak, known for a heart too large, never seems to count the loaves of bread or the cookies that go missing.

*Isak is an NPC anyone is free to interact with.



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