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Information  - Delumine Laws and Information

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Played by Offline Callynite [PM] Posts: 75 — Threads: 22
Signos: 50

Updated 1/20/2021


♢ Delumine’s Sovereign, while generally expected to be mindful of the will of the people, ultimately has the right to make any decision without further input.

♢ No one falls short of the law. Any reported crimes will be investigated by Delumine’s Warden and, if deemed necessary, a team that they may assemble. Following the investigation, all charged persons are subject to a trial where they are expected to plead their case before the populace, with the Sovereign acting as judge. (In the case of the Sovereign’s absence, or, more rarely, involvement, the Regent will hand down Judgement.)

♢ Punishment is not something that is taken lightly, but it is not unheard of in Delumine. The severity of the punishment is proportional to the severity of the crime committed, but due to Delumine’s complicated relationship with death and the dead, an extended prison sentence is more likely than any individual losing their life, except in severe cases.

♢ Bribery of any interested parties including but not limited to the victimized party, regime members, or scribes is intolerable and will be punished without further trial.

♢ As Delumine believes its judicial methods to be the most reasonable, any crime committed on Dawn territory, unless otherwise stated by the defendant’s home court laws, will be subject to investigation and trial. Foreigners may be held in Delumine until their judgment is carried out.

♢ Any member of the regime or counsel found to be inactive (with rare exceptions) will be removed from their position and a replacement found.

♢ Meetings are not mandatory unless stated to be so. However, there will usually be rewards for attending, and those that do not will find themselves out of the loop.

♢ When the Warden is not conducting priority business, they are expected to divide duty between overseeing safety during court events, regularly patrolling or organizing patrols of Delumine’s wilder parts (being anything but the Court and the Library), and reporting any worthwhile discoveries to the regime.

♢ Any member of any rank is welcome to volunteer for any activity, regardless of target. If a soldier would like to learn blacksmithing from one of our smiths, they are encouraged. If a dancer would like to hone their skills by fighting, they are more than welcome.

♢ Champions are expected to lead the members of their respected areas and promote those they deem worthy. (Once announced, specific expectations and tasks for Champions will be included in a reply to this post)

       ♢ The Champion of Battle heads the country’s soldiers (and may at times be tasked with assisting the Warden in security for high profile or otherwise large events). They are asked to organize training, hold regular spars between soldiers, and are encouraged to also study and teach battle tactics.

       ♢ The Champion of Wisdom is solely in charge of guiding the country’s scholarly minds, numerous as they are. This position facilitates friendly information-gathering excursions to neighboring Courts, helping to catalogue and place any new volumes or information to be added to the Library, and study the increasingly strange goings-on in Delimune.

       ♢ The Champion of Healing is the head of medicinal research and practice for the Court. They are expected to oversee any medical procedure more complicated than a minor bandaging or administration of common medicines, teaching doctors and apothecaries under their care, helping to gather needed supplies (especially when the woods are feeling hostile and those supplies become more scarce). The Champion of Healing is also encouraged to travel to Terrastella’s hospital (if they are welcome) to gain experience and as an act of goodwill.

       ♢ The Champion of Community works together with the other branches to strengthen Delumine’s people. They are largely in charge of helping entertainers organize single-thread events to show off their talents, promoting the relative calm and peace that Delumine is typically known for (an added note scribbled in the margin next to this statement reads AT ALL COSTS), and encouraging members of other courts to display their wares/services/talents/personalities in Dawn Court for the enjoyment of its people.

♢ Delumine’s patron god is Oriens. Dawn Court citizens are encouraged to study the histories, rituals, values, and organizations pertaining to the other gods, and in doing so a certain amount of worship of them is permitted, but Oriens is expected to be held above all others.

♢ Knowledge is power to Delumine, and as such outsiders are welcome to our lands in order to increase our knowledge of their homelands and courts. However, violence against Dawn's citizens or environment will not be tolerated.

♢ Likewise, those native to Delumine are encouraged to sample the lives and cultures of other courts by paying regular visits, especially as they age out of childhood.

(Upon taking up sovereign, Callynite has had the following crossed through, as violence is not the way of life she wants to support for Delumine.)

(Scribbled at the bottom of the page, almost as an afterthought, in a different script than the scribe who clearly wrote the rest of the document, is an addition that reads:)

Violence against Sovereign Andras (with ooc permission) will be met with violence from him in kind. That’s a dare.

(This scribe, out of professional courtesy, chose not to include this statement in the final draft.)

@Official Dawn Account


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Delumine Laws and Information - by Official Dawn Account - 10-05-2019, 05:30 PM
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