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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Information  - Dusk Court Incentives

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Played by Offline Obsidian [PM] Posts: 380 — Threads: 45
Signos: 25
Inactive Character

dusk court incentives

the regime

the populace

rules & notes
In order to boost activity and provide each rank with unique tasks and roles, the Dusk Regime has implemented a system of signo incentives for its members to partake in! Not only do the incentives provide fun ideas for plots and threads, you can even ascend to new positions of power within your rank if enough tasks are completed! Please read the notes at the bottom of this post carefully, and fill out the form to claim your signos when appropriate. The Regime will award rewards accordingly while keeping track of each member's progress.

♕ the regime ♕

100 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Meet all active Dusk Court members in a thread (group or one-on-one): 50 signos 
  2. Plan an event/festival for all courts and see it through: 100 signos 
  3. Host a thread to hear and address grievances from court members: 20 signos
  4. Meet with other sovereigns to discuss matters of consequence to Novus: 20 signos 
  5. Issue a royal decree: 10 signos
  6. Block a stealth attempt successfully: 30 signos

100 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Meet all active Dusk Court members in a thread (group or one-on-one): 50 signos 
  2. Thread with a member of the Regime: 10 signos
  3. Thread with another court’s Regent: 20 signos
  4. Plan an event/festival for all courts and see it through: 100 signos
  5. Manage internal affairs while the Sovereign is away: 20 signos
  6. Block a stealth attempt successfully: 30 signos

100 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Meet all active Dusk Court members in a thread (group or one-on-one): 50 signos 
  2. Embark on a diplomatic mission to another court: 30 signos at start, 30 signos if a favorable result is reached
  3. Thread with another court’s Emissary: 20 signos
  4. Successfully establish/strengthen an alliance: 30 signos
  5. Negotiate a trade deal: 20 signos
  6. Complete a thread in all four courts: 50 signos

♘ the populace ♘

80 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Initiate a steal: 70 signos if successful, 50 signos if not 
  2. Block a steal: 50 signos if successful, 25 signos if not
  3. Convince a commoner to become a warrior: 25 signos
  4. Do a training thread with another warrior: 15 signos
  5. Enforce the laws of Terrastella: 20 signos
  6. Defeat another Warden/Champion of Battle in battle: 50 signos

CHAMPION OF BATTLE: 70 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Create a battle event for all soldiers: 50 signos
  2. Battle another Champion of Battle from another court: win= 60 signos, lose=40
  3. Arrange a soldier exchange program with a member of another court: 20 signos
  4. Host an event for all of Novus’ warriors: 70 signos
  • Ground General: 50 signos upon acquiring position
  • Soldier
    1. Spar with another Terrastellan soldier: 15 signos
    2. Battle a member of another court: 20 signos
    3. Teach Terrastellans (excluding fellow warriors) to fight: 10 signos
    4. Wear your Terrastellan Forces uniform on an outing: 10 signos
    5. Escort a member of Terrastella to another court: 15 signos
    6. Escort your Sovereign or a Regime member to another court: 20 signos upon completion
    7. Teach your Sovereign how to fight: 20 signos
    8. *Train with Solterran soldiers: 50 signos at start, 50 upon completion
  • Halcyon Commander: 50 signos upon acquiring position
  • Halcyon Pilots & Messengers
    1. Fly aid supplies to another court: 15 signos
    2. Fly a message to another court: 15 signos
    3. Spar with another Halcyon soldier: 15 signos
    4. Teach the Terrastellan pegasi youth how to fly: 10 signos
    5. Escort a member of Terrastella to another court: 10 signos
    6. Wear your Terrastellan Forces uniform on an outing: 15 signos
    7. Escort your Sovereign or a Regime member to another court: 20 signos upon completion
    8. Teach your Sovereign how to fight: 20 signos
    9. *Train with Solterran soldiers: 50 signos at start, 50 upon completion

CHAMPION OF HEALING: 70 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Run the hospital: 50 signos
  2. Arrange a healer exchange with an elite healer from another court: 20 signos
  3. Create an event for the healers: 50 signos
  4. Host an event for all of Novus’ healers: 70 signos
HOSPITAL PROFESSOR: 50 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Teach another character about medicine: 1 thread, 10 signos
  2. Give a student an assignment: 10 signos
HOSPITAL STUDENT: 30 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Complete an assignment given by a professor: 10 signos
  2. Clean up the hospital wing: 1 thread, 10 signos
  3. Care for a patient in the hospital: 1 thread, 10 signos
  4. Be intimidated/fascinated by the Witch Doctor: 15 signos
  1. Heal another character: 1 thread, 10 signos
  2. Heal a member from another court: 20 signos
  3. *Become an exchange student - be sent to another court in exchange for one of theirs (you will still be a Dusk member, but you will visit your other court frequently until the program is concluded): 50 signos at start, 50 upon completion
  4. Tend to the garden where plants for healing grow: 10 signos
  5. Create a potion and sell it/use it: 10 signos
  6. Create a love potion and sell it/use it: 20 signos
  7. Create a poison and sell it/use it: 20 signos
  8. Take a lesson from the Potion Master: 10 signos
  9. Sell your healing wares on the black market: 15 signos

CHAMPION OF WISDOM: 70 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Arrange an exchange with Delumine - a Dusk healer for a Dawn sage: 20 signos
  2. Run an event for the sages: 50 signos
  3. Host an event for all of Novus’ sages: 70 signos
  4. Thread with the Champion of Wisdom from another court: 20 signos
SCHOLAR: 50 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Write a book: 10 signos for each thread detailing writing the book (5 threads max)
  2. Irritate a librarian by asking after a particularly difficult to find book: 10 signos
  3. Guide another sage in finding information: 10 signos
LIBRARIAN: 30 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Tell someone off for causing a disturbance in the library: 10 signos
  2. Aid someone in finding a required book: 10 signos
  3. Read a book: 10 signos
  4. Hunt down someone who has not paid their fine for an overdue book: 10 signos
  5. Help someone on an adventure: 10 signos
  1. Thread with a Delumine sage - learn from them: 10 signos
  2. Educate another sage: 10 signos
  3. Give the Regime advice on diplomacy: 10 signos
  4. Read a book in the library: 10 signos
  5. Fall asleep in the library: 10 signos
  6. Make up a tale of Terrastella’s history and retell it to another: 15 signos
  7. *Become an exchange student - be sent to another court in exchange for one of theirs (you will still be a Dusk member, but you will visit your other court frequently until the program is concluded): 50 signos at start, 50 signos upon completion

CHAMPION OF COMMUNITY: 70 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Create and run a social event for Terrastella: 50 signos
  2. Host, with the Regime, an event for all of Novus: 70 signos
  3. Greet all new Terrastellans in one month: 30 signos
  4. Thread with the Champion of Community from another court: 20 signos
  5. Thread with a Terrastellan commoner/socialite: 20 signos
SOCIALITE: 50 signos upon acquiring position
  1. Spread a rumour about another character: 30 signos
  2. Thread with the Champion of Community: 20 signos
  3. Make 5 friends in Terrastella: 10 signos
  4. Make 5 friends from other courts: 20 signos
  1. Come up with an idea for and help arrange an festival/social event: 10 signos
  2. Greet a new member: 10 signos
  3. Thread with another commoner: 10 signos
  4. Thread with a Denoctian: 20 signos
  5. Tend to the gardens in a thread: 10 signos
  6. *Become an exchange student - be sent to another court in exchange for one of theirs (you will still be a Dusk member, but you will visit your other court frequently until the program is concluded): 50 signos at start, 50 signos upon completion

  • Those of higher positions within a rank may claim incentives given to the general rank. Example: A Hospital Professor may claim an incentive listed for a Healer, but they may not claim incentives for a Hospital Student.
  • You may claim the same incentive more than once.
  • You can ascend in your position within each rank. You achieve this by completing a fair number of the incentives for your current position.
  • Your progress will be watched by the Regime. If at any point you wish to have your progress reviewed in order to gain a higher title, then do let us know!
  • All incentives with a * are upon permission of the Regime, and only 1 from each group may go at any one time. If there is a lot of interest it will be awarded to the one who is the most deserving according to their activity and deeds. Exchanges will last for a minimum of 2 IC seasons.

  • Please be aware incentives and their signo rewards are subject to change at any moment at the discretion of the admins, mods and members of the Terrastellan Regime.
  • Do you have a fun idea that is not on here? Do you think it will promote activity not only in Terrastella, but also boost (for better or worse!) its interactions with other courts? Then please let the Regime know!
  • If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the Regime!

<div class="tcat"><center><font style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold;">Redeeming Incentives</font></center></div>


<b>Amount:</b> HOW MANY 



She is clothed with strength and dignity, 
and she laughs without fear of the future 

Played by Offline Odeen [PM] Posts: 175 — Threads: 29
Signos: 1,315
Night Court Soldier
Male [He/Him/His]  |  19 [Year 492 Winter]  |  15 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 38 — Exp: 59  |    Active Magic: Spell Warding  |    Bonded: Ruth (Tarrasque)

Redeeming Incentives

Name: @Raymond
Rank: Champion of Battle
Account: @Raymond

For: Battling a member of another court (Pavetta)
Amount: 20 Signos

For: Becoming Champion of Battle
Amount: 70 signos

Total Signos: 90
Notes: Ur cute


aut viam inveniam aut faciam

Played by Offline Dingo [PM] Posts: 50 — Threads: 5
Signos: 330
Inactive Character

Redeeming Incentives

Name: Atreus
Rank: Champion of Healing
Account: @Ulric

For: Acquiring the position of Champion of Healing
Amount: 70
Proof: Here

Total Signos: 70
Notes: <333

be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive

all contact is permitted and encouraged

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Redeeming Incentives

Name: @Fiona
Rank: Champion of Community
Account: @Katherine

For: Acquire Champion of Community position
Amount: 70
Proof: Here c:

Total Signos: 70
Notes: Just me over here sobbing for my beautiful flower girl <33


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

updated to here! paid out of griffin's account 11/1/18.

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Staff Update: 230 signos awarded to @Griffin's account as Sovereign Stipend compensation.

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